Rack-A-Tiers Manufacturing originated in 1995 with just one tool, a tri-fold brochure, and a home office above the garage. Over the last 27 years, Rack-A-Tiers has grown to become a multinational corporation with over 1,000 products including tools, fasteners, pop-up boxes, power monitors and many more categories related to the electrical industry and beyond. With both Canadian and US distribution centers, Rack-A-Tiers ships worldwide to regions such as the UK, Australia, and Scandinavia. Rack-A-Tiers has helped hundreds of inventors get their ideas to market with the help of over 90 inside and outside independent sales representatives across the US and Canada.

Our Mission
At Rack-A-Tiers, our mission is to continue this success and grow into a go-to resource for all products related to the electrical industry. Rack-A-Tiers was started by electricians and will always be for electricians. Our level of expertise and efficiency are what help us remain confident that we can be of service to you. We’re here to help you work smarter, not harder.
Our Team
Message from the President
Ken Maclachlan
President / Founder of
Over the last 36 years, I’ve been lucky enough to see the electrical industry from many different perspectives. As a young journeyman, I worked hard for various contracting firms, attempting to prove myself in the industry. Later on, I started my own electrical contracting firm, K Mac Electric, and witnessed first-hand the challenges of managing a crew and satisfying your customers – all while trying to turn a profit. Finally, I started inventing tools and helped other electricians bring their ideas to market through Rack-A-Tiers Manufacturing.
If those 36 years have taught me one thing, it’s that innovative, useful solutions are not discovered on the twentieth floor of some office building by guys in suits. They are discovered out in the field by real electricians doing the work. Industry experience is a requirement to developing tools that actually work and that solve the real problems that electricians face every single day.
This is why, to this day, all new products from Rack-A-Tiers are influenced by real, professional electrical contractors. Some of these products are still designed by me and my team, but many come from creative electricians across North America and the world.
Our goal is to help you do your job faster, easier, and safer. If you are an electrician and have a quality invention that meets this criteria, get in touch with us – you might be sitting on the next Rack-A-Tiers Wire Dispenser.
Ken Maclachlan
President / Founder of