Content Hub
Meet Johnnie Johnson. Johnnie has done all kinds of electrical work over the years but is always looking to learn…
Hey there, fellow electricians and DIY enthusiasts! If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my journey as a seasoned electrician,…
In the world of electrical work, the quality of your tools can make a massive difference in the efficiency and…
Hello Electricians! This blog is speaking to all current and future industrial electricians and folks looking to gear up for…
Use coupon code “craftedworkshop10” for 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! When you’re wiring up a commercial workshop, it helps…
Use coupon code “tberry10” for 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! We caught up with Tberryelectric at NECA 2024 to…
We love spotlighting innovators who are transforming the game for electricians, and this time, we’re diving into the story behind…
Christmas is almost here! If you’re like me, you try hard every year to find quality gifts for the electrician…
USE COUPON CODE “nicelectric10” FOR 10% OFF YOUR NEXT ORDER Most electricians have a pretty impressive toolkit, but which tools…
Let’s talk about one of the most essential tools in your kit – the wire dispenser. When you’re on the…
We sat down with Devin and Bret of Slammers Inc. to talk about their groundbreaking product, the electrical industry, and…
USE CODE “wkhk10” for 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! Ready to learn the ‘Whack Hack’ way of working? Watch…
USE CODE “nicolepanton10” to get 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! It’s time for another talk with one of our…
When it comes to the daily grind on the jobsite, having the right tools can make all the difference. Whether…
Fellow electricians and solar installers! Let’s step into the bright future of renewable energy with solar power leading the charge!…
USE CODE “Spartan10” to get 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! We’re back with another chat featuring one of our…
USE CODE “Speedyshark10” to get 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! To celebrate Father’s Day, we talked with dad-to-be…
Stud finders are invaluable tools for electricians and DIY homeowners alike. They are crucial for mounting electrical fixtures, shelves, or…
USE CODE “purplelightning10” to get 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! We sat down for an interview with experienced electrician,…
Let’s face it, almost every commercial electrician can count on bending a lot of pipe. Pipework is often described as…
Hello fellow Electricians, DIY enthusiasts, and tool lovers. There’s a new product I am very ecstatic to share with you…
Editor’s Note: Join Builtwithtools as he demonstrates how easy it is to fix an open splice with our newest invention.…
Editor’s Note: Join fellow electrician DMC Electric as he installs recessed lights with a dimmer for a residential job. Follow…
Join PhillyQueso101 on an electrical service change! See how he does everything from locating the source of water damage to…
Christmas is almost here! If you’re like me, you try hard every year to find quality gifts for the electrician…
Table of Contents: Introduction – Underground Wire: What You Need to Know What is Direct Burial Wire? How Deep are…
The Dangers of Exposed Electrical Wiring Open splices in electrical installations are a ticking time bomb. They are one of…
If you’re reading this page on Rack-A-Tiers’ site, chances are you’re an electrician with some amount of experience in the…
Meet Johnnie Johnson. Johnnie has done all kinds of electrical work over the years but is always looking to learn…
Hey there, fellow electricians and DIY enthusiasts! If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my journey as a seasoned electrician,…
In the world of electrical work, the quality of your tools can make a massive difference in the efficiency and…
Hello Electricians! This blog is speaking to all current and future industrial electricians and folks looking to gear up for…
Use coupon code “craftedworkshop10” for 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! When you’re wiring up a commercial workshop, it helps…
Use coupon code “tberry10” for 10% off your next Rack-A-Tiers order! We caught up with Tberryelectric at NECA 2024 to…
We love spotlighting innovators who are transforming the game for electricians, and this time, we’re diving into the story behind…
Christmas is almost here! If you’re like me, you try hard every year to find quality gifts for the electrician…
What have you caught your apprentice doing when they’ve been left alone??💀😂 - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #electricianhumor #sparky #electrician #a...
Tag a buddy who’s hourly 😂💸💸 - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #tradelife #bluecollar #bluecollarlife #tradie #electricalcontractor #electrician #spar...
Do you pull your wire OVER or UNDER? 😏 - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #electrician #electricians #sparky #electricianlife #bluecollarlife #bluecollar...
Your apprentice comes in a bit under the weather on Monday morning🥴…what do you do??? - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #cartoon #gangsters #electrician...
What’s the dodgiest “handyman” electrical job you’ve been called in to fix? 😂 - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #electricalwork #electrician #electricia...
LADDER MATE WEIGHT TEST 😤💪We always get a lot of people saying it will tip over if you add your tools to it. If your tools dont weigh as much as you...
Did you know the Wire Tub rewinds wires back into the tub? 😤Get it in the link in our bio. Thanks to wkndcraftsman for the demo #rackatiers #electric...
Would you use this for pulling by yourself? 🤔Get the Pullee in the link in our bio - Thanks to @arturodoesitall808 for the demo👍 - #pullee #rackati...
How else is everyone supposed to know you’re working? 🤔For a bit of p&q in the morning, get the Stingray in the link in our bio. - Thanks to the big...
Some bosses are ok with you blasting your nuts at work, some aren’t. Best to check first before blasting your nuts on the job👍Get the Nut Blaster in ...
Would you use a comfy handle like this for long pulls? 🤔 - get the Ropematic Pro in the link in our bio. - Thanks to @yuriy_electrician for the demo...
WE NEED YOUR HELP 😤The Wire Spool Hand cart…needs a better name🥴what would you call it? 🫵best suggestion will get a Rack-A-Tiers Gift Card🤘#rackat...
If you’re not a fan of your other strippers, maybe it’s time for a pair that’s a little more ergonomic 🥵Get the Croc’s in the link in our bio, Amazon...
Do you know a better way? Flex Flyer comes in 1/2” or 3/4”, get it in the link in our bio🤙 - Thanks to @suncity.sparky for the demo - #flexflyer #fis...
Would you use this feature? 🤔 - #Get the Pulse Tracer in the link in our bio 💪thanks to @josh_is_in_phase240 for the demo #rackatiers #pulsetracer #...
Would you use this method to lock extension cords? What do you currently use? 🤔Get the Prolock in the link in our bio. - Thanks to @builtwithtools f...
@thebasementking12 showing how a professional uses the Croc’s Wire Strippers ⚡️Do you do it the same way? - #rackatiers #rackatierstools #bluecollarl...
It is a painful walk back to the van…you ask yourself, why did I do this? What’s wrong with me…am I dumb? 😩Do not beat yourself up for your simple er...
Big thanks to @appletonelectricservice for the Hoppy Bender demo series💪Get the Hoppy Bender in 1/2 and 3/4 in the link in our bio⚡️ - #hoppybender #...
When are we collectively gonna say goodbye 😩😩Get our 6.5” Recessed Hole Cutter in the link in our bio. - Thanks to @builtwithtools for the demo 🤙 ...
😩😩miss the good old days. Have you tried the Open Splice Junction Box? UL listed 🤘get them in the link in our bio, Amazon or Lowe’s later this year...
Sluggo Ox got you covered as a stress reliever but it’s also gonna stop that ground rod getting mushroom capped😤👌get one in the link in our bio. Tha...
No more lb knuckles⚡️Get the LB wire guide in the link in our bio. - Thanks to @cityelectricltd for the demo 🔥#rackatiers #lbwireguide #servicecall ...
Will they ever learn… - Get the Poke-E in the link in our bio. - Thanks to @notbad4asparky for the demo. Go check out his original vid💪#rackatiers #r...
Would you use this invention? 🤔 - Get it in the link in our bio. Pulse Tracer. - Thanks to @josh_is_in_phase240 for the demo🔥#pulsetracer #rackatie...
Would your boss give you a raise for doing home runs like this? 🤔 - - - The H2 Homer Helper Wire Brackets have you covered for ckean runs. Get them i...
How would you make a 10ft holesaw extension? 🤔 - get this tool, The Javelin, in the link in our bio💪thanks to Epectrician Tool Deals on youtube for ...
Who made the superior screwhead? 🤔 - - thanks to @Builtwithtools for the history lesson! Get robertson bits from Rack-a-Tiers in the link in our bio ...
Electricians, are wire spinners outdated or do you still stand by them? 🤔do you still use wire spinners
Would you use one of these? It sticks to your panel with magnets 🧲when you’re done, slide out the middle to release 👍Get the chip catcher in the lin...